A Flash from the Past: Spirit Day 2018

2018’s upcoming spirit week at Cresskill High School is scheduled for May 21st to May 24th. Themed after the 1900s, each grade has been assigned a specific decade. To decide which grade had which decade, a Google Form was first sent out to the seniors, giving them to chance to decide between the ’20s, ’50s, ’70s, and ’80s. Most kids chose the 80s.

When asked, senior Kiaralisse Hiciano was visibly excited about having the decade, saying, “I think it is great because so many of us wanted the ’80s.” The ‘80s marked fashion trends such as rugby sweatshirts, sweater dresses, and baby doll dresses worn with capri leggings, designs perfect for this year’s graduating class.

After the 80s were decided for the seniors, the juniors were given the choice of the remaining decades, choosing the ’70s, while the sophomores went with the ’50s. When Arsenio Garcia, sophomore at Cresskill High, was asked how he felt about the decade assigned to his class, he responded, “I feel really good about having 1950s as my theme.”

The freshmen were left with the ’20s, a decade of fashion revolution and questionable party trends. This year’s Spirit Day will hopefully prove to be a bundle of throwbacks and competition as all four grades celebrate decades of eye-catching fashion and culture. It is going to be a brawl of the times.