Introducing CHS’s Spring Musical: Footloose


The Principal Players are back with their annual Spring Musical! This year, the music department is putting together a production of the classic musical and dance – “Footloose”. They hope it will be in CHS’s auditorium since the reconstruction should be complete around March, but nothing is guaranteed. 

The newest update came on January 8th, when casting was released:


Ren McCormack – Gal Ashkenazi

Reverend Shaw Moore – Leo Rael

Ariel Moore – Danna Alvarez


Ethel McCormack – Nina Toups

Vi Moore – Mae Passarotti

Rusty – Kisberli Corcino

Willard Hewitt – Tyler Von Glahn

Chuck Cranston – Jaiden Navas

Urleen – Annie Toups

Wendy Jo – Tiko Tvauri

Ensemble – Daria Semeniuta, Yina Yu


Lulu Warnicker – Isabel Ponce

Wes Warnicker – George Koprowski

Coach Roger Dunbar – Sophia Rodrigues

Eleanor Dunbar – Yarden Elisha

Lyle – Yonathan Solomon

Travis – Cosette Ellis

Principal Harry Clark – Isabella Garritano

Betty Blast – Agam Arzi

Jeter – Emmit Passaroti

Bickle – Sujin Park

Garvin – George Koprowski

Cowboy Bob – Luci Zigrino

Cop – Hanna Lomasky

Fiddler – Nicolette Atakhanian

Nina Toups, the senior who has been in the musical, fall drama, A Capella, and county choir every possible year since 6th grade, reflected on her final production: “It’s definitely sad that this is going to be my last show at Cresskill, and probably my last show ever, but after seven years I think I’m ready to move on to whatever comes next. I’m going to miss my fellow cast members, however I’m sure I’ll be back to watch their next production soon enough.”

Gal Ashkenazi emphasizes how “working on such a vibrant, cheerful show has us all filled with excitement.” Even though Danna Alvarez says she was never in a musical before, she is “super excited” for her “first real experience” and “can’t wait to put it all together and see footloose come to life.”

The musical will be on March 10th, 11th, and 12th, so make sure to show up and keep an eye out for further updates!