March Madness


All students have experienced the March crunch; it’s the time before spring break and arguably one of the busiest months in the school year. Additionally, it’s the middle of the third marking period where teachers start to pick up the pace. Teachers attempt to squeeze in work and tests too and there are no holiday breaks. With all the chaos, stress can arise for students. I have thought of five ways to help relieve stress for students. They are fun activities to take a breath and lighten up.


1. Make planners

Making a planner is a good way to stay organized. You should list assignments and goals for each day. With this, you won’t only be organized but you’ll feel ahead of the game. Just knowing that you’re on top of everything will make you feel lighter. 


2. Make time for hobbies

Whether your favorite hobby is baking, dancing, or drawing, doing one of your favorite activities will help you get your mind off your work and possibly relax. When you are able to catch up on your hobbies, you catch up on yourself. 


3. Hang out with friends

Socializing is an important aspect of mental health. It increases your sense of belonging and purpose. Your close peers could also help you work through your stresses and simply have a good time. 


4. Make yourself a snack 

Making yourself a snack is something you can do for yourself. You can prioritize your well being. Healthy snacks are a must but a sweet treat sometimes doesn’t hurt. 


5. Exercise

Exercising is by far one of the best ways to help with stress. It has been scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety, depression, and to improve one’s self esteem. You will feel accomplished and energized.