The Roof Referendum

Olivia Newman

Have you ever been sitting in class, just minding your own business, when all of a sudden you hear a sound that parallels a thunderstorm above your head?

You might have looked up in wonderment, cowered in fear, or just speculated about what on Earth was going on up there, but no matter what your thought process, you have always received the same explanation:

“It’s just the people working on the roof.”

Well, that’s all fine and good, but these people have been up there for what must be over two years, and at this point, everyone wants to know what they’re doing- and even if students don’t care that much, they just want some reassurance that the roof won’t cave in and smash us all to pieces. Either way, after an extensive undercover investigation, The Communique finally has an answer to what exactly is happening above us.

That’s right, Cresskill “wait, this is all there is?” High School is expanding its horizons and creating an all-new top level. The Cresskill Board of Education, which has noticed that the hallways are just a little bit too tight to fit all of the students, is hoping for a referendum from the town to officially start construction. While they wait, they’ve already begun sending workers up to begin planning, although admittedly it sounds a bit more like they’re having dance parties up there than anything else.

There have been many rumors about what will be done with the second floor once it is finished, ranging from a new and bigger library that is closed even more often than the current one, to a new computer lab that will be dedicated entirely to PARCC testing. However, this is all speculation, and while we may not know for sure until the construction is completed, we can all pray that it’s a separate wing for the middle school so that we can actually turn the corner from the B wing to the C wing again without being run over by a screaming sixth-grader and his forty-pound binder.

One can dream, right?