Spirit Week Competition Kicks Off With Banner Decorating

Asaka Park, Staff Writer

From period 2 to period 3, a handful of high schoolers gathered in the cafeteria, cutting, coloring, and cleaving. They’ve all signed up to decorate banners to represent their grades for Spirit Day 2019. The banners, which will be displayed beside the bleachers during tomorrow’s gym events, are designed in accordance with the grades’ themes.

In the upper cafeteria, freshmen Sarah Seligman, Amanda Park, Jonah Kim, Lucia Park, and Lexie Tissone worked on the Harry Potter-themed creation. “We decided to take the theme of our grade, which is Harry Potter, into full force,” beamed Lucia: “We took a snippet of the movie and the iconic quote… ‘I solemnly swear we’re up to no good.’”

In the senior cafeteria, sophomores Bar Bendet, Nikki Sabet, Mia Tamir, Noam Levi, Carolyn Woo, and Keren Binderman chipped away at a Star Wars-themed piece. “Since our theme is Star Wars… we’re doing Death Star, we’re doing something like that,” muttered Keren, as her and her teammates frantically stroked their paintbrushes on the 4-yard paper.

Juniors Emma Haggerty, Jamie Reiner, Chloe Min, Victoria Trinidad, Samantha Zimmerman, and Sophia Scanlon-Young worked on their Pixar-themed creation. “We just designed this a couple of days ago,” said Emma, pointing at the photoshopped blueprint on her laptop: “Each of the letters is a Pixar character. We’re just trying to incorporate as many movies as possible”

“Marvel Stu19s” read the upper corner of the seniors’: the design will be based on the recent film, Avengers: Endgame. The banner is designed by Jenna Han, Rohini Deivasigamani, Levana Rashba, Madi Lee, Mikaela Manarang, and Maddie Smith.

What do they have to say to the rest of CHS?

“They’re gonna lose” said Jenna, dryly.