Senior Night at Cresskill High School: A Bittersweet Experience

On September 23, 2022, members of the Cresskill community gathered to honor the seniors of Cresskill High School at their football game. Prior to the game, the football players, cheerleaders, and their families took photos on the football field and were honored for their time at Cresskill. Senior player, Paul Yoon, describes the ceremony as “an eye opener that this is [his] last year playing for Cresskill High school and [he] cannot believe how fast time flies.”

The excitement of the night continued as the senior cheerleaders received decorated posters from their fellow cheerleaders during halftime. It was a touching moment full of smiles and tears. This moment helped cheerleader Jackie Kletsman realize the long way she has come at Cresskill High school and is “really sad [she] will soon leave her small town behind, but [she] is looking forward to what the future holds.” Like Jackie, many of the other football players and cheerleaders agree senior night made them reflect on their time at CHS and brought light to the fact they are growing up.

Although senior night represents the football season coming to an end soon and a big transition regarding growing up, it was a special night. Sydney Migardos, a part of the student section said, “[she] has been to all the football games this year, but [she] has never seen such a full and interactive student section at Cresskill before.” This night brought our Cresskill community together to show support and love toward the seniors. The senior football players and cheerleaders all describe seeing this support as heartwarming, memorable, and emotional.

Thinking about next year and the current senior’s future departure, sophomore football player Eric Nam is “sad the seniors will not be on the team next year”. Junior football player Glory Moon agrees and adds “there will be a new dynamic to the team and the former guys will have to step it up next year.”

Even with all the sadness of the seniors leaving, the cheerleaders and football players from grades 9-12 all agree senior night was a positive event that summarized a time period in their life. It was a uniting night that celebrated and honored the seniors for their contribution to Cresskill High School and on top of everything, Cresskill won the game!