Alleviating The College Process

Cresskill High School is ranked in the top 50 public education systems in the state, yet it greatly lacks in college advision. Many students, including myself, have resorted to getting an out of school college advisor in an attempt to make the college preparation more stress-free and organized. Rather than receiving assistance regarding SAT/ACT, essays, creating a college list, etc, we are left feeling lost and unprepared.

In order for Cresskill students to flourish and feel ready for a new chapter in their lives, it is important that they are given a more structured understanding of how to prepare. It would be most beneficial for students to have a course that thoroughly explains what we need to know in our application process. Although our school offers SAT prep classes, some students are even lost when deciding if they should take the SAT or ACT. Students should be given explanations on what each one entails, and which is a better fit for their interests and strengths. In regards to essays, many students have difficulty deciding what to write about and what each college wants to see. A lesson on what colleges do and don’t want to see would greatly benefit students. When it comes to choosing a college, there are thousands upon thousands of options, which leaves students overwhelmed. A list of colleges based on their strongest majors and interests can greatly facilitate the process of finding a college. On Naviance, students have access to a college search that most guidance counselors recommend to use, however, most students are unaware of this and find it too general, that it doesn’t cater to individual student’s needs. This list can also help with choosing a major. Matching certain colleges to a student’s interests can help simplify the list of where to go.

Rather than making the college preparation process something dreadful and engulfing, it can be turned into a great learning experience. No student wants to enter senior year feeling unprepared, adding unnecessary additional stress to an already pivotal time period. Students should feel secure in themselves and their decisions, paving their way to success.