Cresskill’s Homecoming Dance: Bop or Flop?

Art by Nola Yoon.

A hot topic of conversation at Cresskill High School is this year’s Homecoming Dance, with its official announcement being made on September twenty-third. News about the dance’s revival spread like wildfire and rumors began to fly! Speculations about the theme had been circulating; was it going to be Red Carpet, Fairytale, or The Great Gatsby? The senior class committee officially decided on Red Carpet. Get ready for the gymnasium to be transformed into a hot-shot Hollywood movie premiere!

Now that homecoming is no longer an idea, but rather a reality, it has left the student body with choices to make and questions to ask. There has been a mixed reaction to the announcement, with many thrilled to attend while others expressed ambivalence. Students have been debating whether or not they should attend and are trying to figure out if their peers will actually show up.

Junior Chloe Campbell states that she will be going to Homecoming, “…it seems really fun and we haven’t had one in so long.” The school has not had this dance in over a decade, so students have been asking for it back for years. Sophomore Vincent Quinn feels similarly and believes that, “It seems like it’ll be a great bonding experience.” He expresses his eagerness to go with his friends and have a great time. Senior Yubin Lee, who is a part of the senior committee, is ecstatic and encourages everyone to go, “It’s going to be so fun! There’s going to be good food, good music, y’know? Good clothes, everyone is going to look hot!”

On the other hand, there are students who have no intention of attending for various reasons. A rumor has been floating around which has strayed some students’ interests away. Supposedly, people from out of town are not allowed to attend the dance. Freshman Riley Feulner conveys her disinterest because of this, “there’s no way for me to bring someone out of school… I wanted to bring someone but now there is no good reason other than to get dressed.” She says that if it were allowed, it would make the dance more exciting and increase the chances of her going.

A reason why sophomore Omer Tal will not be in attendance is because the idea of the dance does not seem appealing, “Spending my Saturday night in a sweaty gym is not my idea of a good time. Also, the school hasn’t really done anything to convince me to go.” The people sitting with Tal at his lunch table chimed in to agree as well. All of them stated that they believe the dance will be boring and would rather hang out by themselves.

Along with the debate over students’ attendance, another question has been regarding what the “proper” attire for a Homecoming dance is. As seen by other schools all over the United States, many girls wear dresses (not floor length), and boys wear dress shirts and dress pants. This is one of the options one could wear to Homecoming. But don’t forget, wearing what one wants to wear and feels most comfortable in is what matters the most!

As the night arrives, students await for more information that is to come. All that is known for now is that the Cresskill High School Homecoming Dance will take place on Saturday, November 5th, from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. in the school gymnasium. Show up in your best dress and come to have a great time!