Should Juniors Have Open Campus for Study Hall?


Justin Frydel, Maddie Morgan

       Junior year is notoriously the hardest of the four high school years. The pressure to perform better in school and keep up with activities intensifies in 11th grade. Many take advanced placement classes, prepare for standardized tests, and consider college plans. With the stress of school work, extracurricular activities, and for some, jobs after school, they are looking to find solace during the long school day; which sometimes entails going home. With the growing number of licenses in the grade, there has been an increase in complaints about campus privilege. Recently, more than 100 signatures have been rounded for a petition regarding the option to go home during the school day. The juniors are looking to change the status quo regarding the rules to having a study hall class. They agree that, like the seniors, they should have the option to leave school for the period in which they have study hall. 

       One significant benefit is that students would have more autonomy over their learning. Some find it extremely difficult to focus in a school setting, let alone a loud study hall where those who have no work to do are free to talk among each other and do anything they’d like, as long as they are in class. A part of the class is stuck doing homework and finds themselves distracted, yet they can not do anything about it because they are in a room with designated free time. Junior Isabella Santana believes the same, “study hall should be a quiet space to study, but teachers can’t control the constant noisy atmosphere. The media center isn’t open, so if you wanted a quiet space, you could not get it.”

Cosette Ellis, Nirly Brillant

       Erin Fahy, Student Organization representative, agreed: “Although I don’t have a study hall, I know how boring it can be, and at this moment, there isn’t really anywhere to go for quiet if you want to do your work because the library is still under construction. If students can go home, they might be more productive when it comes to school work or other activities.” Erin and Bryan Hwang, the junior class representatives, have been working with the administration and can offer closer insight regarding the discourse about the petition as things move forward. 

       If these students looking to concentrate had the option to go home, perhaps they would find it more motivating and feel they could take more ownership of their time. The students should be allowed to take control of their studies.

       Leaving the study hall to go home may relieve built-up stress from the school day, which should be encouraged to promote a healthy learning environment. This way, students are encouraged to “recharge” and return to classes with a fresh mind, ready to learn. The petition aims to achieve one task of opening campus privileges for the juniors to alleviate all the stress brought on by their busy schedules and hopes that the administration considers this route to helping students be more productive and successful in their work.