Cresskill High School had their first pep rally in 4 years on September 14th. The purpose of a pep rally is to introduce the fall sports and help create school spirit for the year. The cheer team introduced the pep rally with a routine and helped bring spirit to the school. Then the cross country, tennis, soccer, volleyball, and football teams all gave speeches and introduced themselves and their players.
The football team did excellent on the day of the pep rally. They were down for the first half and then came back to tie the game, but then unfortunately lost in a kick off, ending with 24-21.
Here are some highlights:
This photo shows the cheer team doing their routine and wowing the stands.
The cross country team ran the stands wild with their speech!
The boys soccer team showed their huge family and strong bond.
The color guard team put on a great performance and wowed everyone with their talent.
The tennis team had the cutest introduction to Mr. Eggerow’s baby coming soon, showing a little outfit that the baby would be wearing, and saying she is a part of the team.
The volleyball team gave a wonderful thanks to their coaches and gave a heartwarming speech.
The football team showed their crazy energy and spirit.
Overall it was a very good start to bringing Pep Rallies back to Cresskill and hopefully we keep this amazing spirit!