Junior Bianca Glavicic is not happy about plans being made to go back into school full time. She feels that it is going to be hard to go back after doing online school for 2 years. Glavicic says she “has become accustomed to the online learning lifestyle.” She has developed routines that help her get through the day as efficiently as possible. When everyone first found out the school would be closed for this year Glavicic was very upset that she would be missing yet another year of her high school career but she has learned to accept it and even enjoy it. 

Glavicic says she loves being at home while she does school. “I love being in the comfort of my own home, with my dogs and cat,” she says. Although Glavicic misses the social aspect of school, she makes up for it by doing online school with friends. “Either some of my friends come to my house or I go over to their house and we do school together,” she adds.

Glavicic’s grades have been very good since she started online school and she fears her grades will suffer if she goes back to school full time in person. Learning online is a lot different then learning in person and it would take her a while to adjust back to the normal school lifestyle. “Taking tests and quizzes online is a lot easier than it is in school,” she says.  

Although Glavicic does not want to go back full time this year, she would prefer to be back full time next year for her senior year. “I would want to experience at least 1 normal year of high school and would want it to be my senior year,” Glavicic says in an interview. She wants to spend her senior year with her friends and doing senior activities. But as for right now, Glavicic would like to remain online.